Timings, drop-off, and pick-up
- The camp starts at 10.00am and concludes at 4.00pm each day.
- We allocate coaches to look after children in advance. Outside of these times we are busy preparing for the day, so we ask parents to please be responsible for your children until at least 9.45am and no later than 4.15pm, unless you have registered for early drop-offs and late pick-ups.
- Early drop-offs from 8.30am and late pick-ups until 5.30pm are available for a small fee. This will be an option at the time of booking, if you need to add this later, please contact us.
- Each child must be 'checked out' with their registered parent/guardian (please notify one of the Courtside team if someone else will be picking your child up on a particular day).
Site restrictions
- Our facility agreement includes use of the tennis courts, indoor gym or marquee (in the event of bad weather), and courtyard area. We are not allowed, and are not insured, to use other parts of the school.
- It is hard for children, many of whom know the school well, to understand that areas are out of bounds, and we would appreciate your support in helping us reinforce this.
- We remind them at the start of each day, and it is paramount that the children respect our site restrictions as the school is an open site that in holiday time has contractors passing through, occasionally with vehicles. Your child(ren)’s safety is the most important thing to us, so thank you for helping us in this regard.
- If you have any questions about the camp or would like to let us know anything about your child, please let the Head Coach know when you drop them off.
- If, at any stage, you need to contact us or your child urgently during the camp day, please call the Courtside office number on 01865 689754 and we will get a message through for you.
What to bring
Please bring a racket, and please ensure your child's name is on their racket.
Please provide a packed lunch for your child, as well as some snacks for break time. The campers will be very active, so we recommend bananas or nut-free energy bars.
Important notes about food
- We run NUT FREE camps, please do not bring any nuts or nut-based products as we often have campers with nut allergies.
- Courtside is unable to provide food for children.
- We ask that your children do not share food with other children.
Please provide a water bottle for your child, there are water fountains where bottles can be topped up throughout the day.
Please wear suitable clothing. We strongly recommend good tennis shoes or trainers, t-shirt and shorts; for changing weather conditions, tracksuit top and bottoms are also useful.
In the event of sunny weather
- Ensure you send your child to camp with a sunhat.
- Ensure a water bottle is provided, that can be refilled during the day.
- Ensure that sunscreen is applied before leaving for camp and that your child has a supply with them to reapply throughout the day.
- Your co-operation in helping us ensure your children remain safe in the sun is much appreciated.
And finally…
- Belongings: please take your child(ren)’s belongings home with you each day; we cannot be responsible for rackets, clothes, water bottles or lunchboxes left with us after your child has left and will either donate items to charity or dispose of them.
- Mobile phones: we would advise against mobile phones as we cannot be liable for loss or damage. If they are brought onsite, this is at the risk of the owner, and they should not be used during tennis sessions please (other than in exceptional circumstances).
- Photography: please be aware we may take some photos and/or video footage from time to time during the week to be used for marketing the services of Courtside on both print and web-based products.
The Dragon School
- This is located on Bardwell Road, Oxford OX2 6SS off the Banbury Road, and there is short-term parking available on the surrounding streets.
- When you arrive, please follow the path, and register your child at the Courtside registration desk in the sports hall to the right of the tennis courts.
Radley College
- This is located on Kennington Road, Abingdon OX14 2HR – please follow the road sign marking the appropriate entrance to the college.
- There is parking available at the college venue.
- When you arrive, please register your child at the Courtside registration desk which will be at the pavilion building opposite the tennis courts.
St Edwards School
- This is located at 269 Woodstock Road, Oxford OX2 7NZ (sign posted Nuffield Health Club).
- There is parking available next to the hard courts as you follow the path round to the health club entrance.
- When you arrive, please register your child at the Courtside registration desk located at the hard courts.
General health
- We ask that children only attend camp if they are feeling well and to stay at home if they have any contagious illness (most notably vomiting / diarrhoea bugs) and only to attend after 48hrs of being symptom free.
- Our camps are fully inclusive, and our coaches are skilled at adapting content to the needs of individual campers. It is useful to know of any injury / impairment in advance, so coaches have time to plan adaptions and make the camp super enjoyable for everyone.